Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blogging mom rises above Google's sub-par service.

 Despite months of trying to access my other two blogs (which, by the way, are still there) and hitting brick walls with Google.....I've decided to just start a new one.   Did you know that even if you register a second email address with Blogger/Google and you subsequently lose access to the main email account, you will no longer be able to access your blogs?  It's true!  And it sucks! 

Another fauxpax of Google is that they do not have a true customer service/tech support...or at least if they do...everyone is out taking a smoke break and talking about their weekend at the club.  You will never be able to talk to a live person and after your 58th attempt of filling out a form and submitting it to'll get an email back telling you something like:  For your security we cannot access your accounts because we do not have enough information.  You do not exist on this planet and therefore you must hop on your little UFO and leave.  We will never give you the blogs back...even though we can clearly see they are your blogs.  You'll just have to make a new one.  Good luck.  BTW, you're not the only one that hates us.  Currently, there are 14, wait...15,129 people who have lost their blogs, too.  Have a great day!    -Google

Thankfully I was able to copy and paste my other public entries, but I've lost the private ones.  I shall rise above it all and begin blogging again. I'm sure my 3 followers will like it...and well, I know I'll appreciate blogging again.  I'm not sure if I'll post any of my prior blog entries on here.  Maybe ones that pertain to Irish Dance?? 

Regardless,I'll leave you with a picture of my dancers.  Cute, huh?

1 comment:

  1. We're in Germany and the sun does not start coming up until later during the winter, yet in the summer it's usually out around 4:30 AM and not completely set until often 10 PM, most don't believe it until they experience it themselves!
